Emmanouil Theofanis Chourdakis

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About me


My name is Emmanouil Theofanis Chourdakis (Greek: Εμμανουήλ-Θεοφάνης Χουρδάκης) and I am an Electronic Engineer from Greece currently living in Stockholm, Sweden with my better half Beici♥.

I work as a Machine Learning Engineer at Epidemic Sound making cool stuff at the forefront of generative machine learning and audio signal processing.

Previously, I worked as an Audio Software Engineer at Nomono where I contributed as an audio developer to their next generation audio speech enhancement pipeline. Aside from that, I partook in thought leadership articles as well as patent filings.

I received my Dipl-Ing., from the Technical University of Crete, and both my MSc and PhD from Queen Mary University of London as part of the intelligent sound engineering lab. I also briefly interned at BBC Audio R&D as part of their Audio Research Partnership program, doing some cool research on Object-based audio and Machine Learning for Speech Intelligibility.

I have programmed in an array of programming languages in the past, but currently I am focusing on python together with pytorch.

I speak Greek, English, un peut du français, og litt norsk. On my spare time I am constantly changing hobbies. I recently however gravitate around Game Development. You can contact me through my LinkedIn profile, or at etchoudakis@gmail.com.

Date: 2024-10-06 Κυρ 00:00

Created: 2025-02-15 Σαβ 10:42

Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.6.15)